Dentophobia fear of the dentist

How to overcome the fear of the dentist.

Dentophobia is fear of the dentist.

 How bad is the fear of the dentist?

Dentophobia, the fear of the dentist can be so overwhelming for some people. It can be impossible for them to even get through the dentist’s front door! They may be in so much pain, that they book an appointment and even get right to his front door and then have to turn back. Then the pain continues


Normally fears are learned from someone, often when we are very young and these fears stay with us throughout our lives. When we are very young, adults, family members especially are like Gods. They know everything, are always right, and are so big and strong, therefore, if this God is really scared of something then that surely must be something to be really scared of.


Over time they become very fearful or going to the dentist and the longer they leave it the stronger the fear becomes. They become so afraid of the fear they believe they will feel if they go into the dentist they will suffer terrible pain.


How can hypnosis help me overcome my fear of the dentist?

When in that lovely relaxed state of hypnosis we can learn to relax ourselves. When we are relaxed we cannot feel frightened as being relaxed removes fear. That is why people drink alcohol to stop fear, it relaxes them. While so relaxed we can visualise in great detail going to the dentist but now feeling very relaxed, confident, and without fear. We can learn through autosuggestion that we do not have to feel that fear anymore. Therefore, when the time comes to see the dentist all we feel is a natural concern that we all feel.

Therapies available for dentophobia.

Therapy 1 – Traditional hypnosis to overcome my fear of the dentist phobia.

his involves you coming to see me for live counselling and hypnotherapy for your fear of the dentist. The first session is free of charge and lasts for about half an hour in which time you tell me about your fear of the dentists. You can ask me any questionns you may have and we can discuss how hypnotherapy might help you.

If you decide to come back for a hypnotherapy session this lasts approximately one hour at which time all you feel is very relaxed. The fee for this session is £95, should you need further sessions these will be charged at £60.

If at the end of the free half hour, if you request to continue immediately with either further counseling or hypnotherapy, it will be possible if I have time available.

To book your free consultation phone 07535796707.

Or click here to book your free initial consultation online.

click here if you would like further information on this therapy.

Therapy 2 – Overcome my fear of the dentist phobia over Skype.

Hypnotherapy or counselling session to help you with your fear of the dentist, while in the comfort of your own home. Please click here for more information.

Therapy 3 – Your very own personalised hypnosis to overcome dentophobia mp3.

personalised hypnotherapy session

For this therapy you fill in a form telling me all about your dentophobia. From the information I gain from the form I design a hypnotherapy session specially be you as I would if you were coming to see me. I then make recording that you download as an mp3.

The price of personalised tailored hypnotherapy for the fear of the dentist is £115.00

If you would like more information on this therapy please click here.

If you would like to order your very own mp3 session for your fear of the dentist click here.You will first be asked to fill in a form with the details of your fear of the dentist.

Therapy 4 Overcome my fear of the dentist instant downloadable pre-recorded mp3 or CD.

Fear of the dentist

MP3 £7.80

You can have a hypnotherapy mp3 within minutes now, to eliminate the fear of the dentist.

Downloadable in minutes MP3, a hypnotherapy session to eliminate the fear of the dentist. You will learn how to relax yourself. While in the very relaxed state of mind called hypnosis, you will receive positive autosuggestion that you do not have to fear the dentist ever again. You will be surprised how easy it will be to lose that fear of the dentist.

Call 01476 979123 or 07535 796707 for a chat or to book a free initial consultation..

Call 01476 979123 or 07535 796707 for a chat or to book a free initial consultation..