how to not be jealous


How to not be jealous with the help of hypnotherapy

Overcoming Jealousy

How to stop being jealous, with hypnotherapy.

Overcoming jealousy with hypnosis can be difficult because we attack it the wrong way. We will try to feel less jealous, by trying to change the way we think and act. We believe that we can improve by trusting our partner more, or avoiding situations that make us feel jealous. But jealousy is not really about trust. Jealousy is about how we feel about ourselves. Jealousy is how bad it makes us feel about ourselves. When we feel that our partner likes the look of someone or finds them attractive, possibly even more attractive than us. Jealousy is about the upset and hurt that we feel deep down inside. Therefore learning how not to be jealous must start with changing how we feel about ourselves.

 What is jealousy?

Jealousy is generally accepted as a feeling that we have when we believe a relationship that is very important to us is under threat. Although It is very often confused with envy. Which comes from a deep desire to want to have something or be like someone. Jealousy is a hurt, anger, and envy is a want, they are two very different feelings.

Feeling jealous normally starts as a doubt, moves on to a feeling of deep hurt, and then to anger. This can be very destructive to a relationship and results in putting restrictions on othersrs. This may include where they can go, what they can look at who they can speak to etc.

Often the doubts that start the feelings of jealousy come from a feeling of inadequacy about ourselves. Unfortunately, those feelings of inadequacy, doubt and hurt then lead to anger and arguments. Which makes us feel pretty bad about ourselves, resulting in us feeling even more inadequate. This causes a cycle to develop, more inadequacy, doubts, hurt, and anger, making us feel more jealous and more inadequate. We then become full of negative thoughts about not only the relationship but also about ourselves.

In some cases, the partner of someone suffering from jealousy problems can quite like the adoration that is being shown to them. They enjoy the feeling that this person loves them so much they are so scared they will go off with someone else. They feel they are so wonderful that everyone must find them attractive until the arguments and restrictions become too much. It’s, therefore worth remembering when someone is overcoming jealousy that the partner may well feel a loss of that adoration and will need to be able to cope with that.

How to get over jealousy.

Any situation we find our self in that makes us feel jealous we try to avoid and the thought of being in that situation makes us feel stressed and anxious. Through hypnosis, we can learn how to relax and take away the stress and anxiety, so we can feel less jealous.

With the use of autosuggestion while in the lovely relaxed state of hypnosis, we can learn how not be jealous and overcome jealousy. This can help us feel better about ourselves and improve our self-esteem. This makes us feel more positive and so feel we can overcome the problem, what we believe we can achieve we normally can.

Feeling positive, relaxed and better about ourselves means we act in a more positive way. We don’t feel so inadequate therefore less hurt and angry. Feeling positive makes us act in a more positive way which makes us feel good about our self and our achievement. This, in turn, makes us feel more positive. In this way, we reverse the cycle from feeling more and more negative to more and more positive. We then feel more comfortable in the relationship and feel less jealous.

Therapies for getting over jealousy using hypnotherapy.

Therapy 1 – Live stop being jealous counselling and hypnotherapy sessions.

This starts with a counselling session. When you have an opportunity to talk about your jealousy problem in total confidentiality. And find out if I may be able to help you with overcoming jealousy. This half-hour initial session is free.

There is no obligation for you to continue with a hypnotherapy session, it is up to you if you choose to take therapy any further

The next step would normally be a hypnotherapy session, the fee for which is £95.00. any further sessions are charged at £60.00

Should you decide at the end of the initial consultation that you would like to continue there and then with a counselling or hypnotherapy session. This is possible so long as I have the time at that point.

To book your free first session phone 07535796707.

Or click here to fill in a contact form to book your free counselling session.

For a more detailed explanation of this therapy please click here.

Therapy 2 – Online Getting over jealousy with Hypnotherapy or Counselling over Teams or Skype.

Hypnotherapy or counselling session to help you overcome jealousy while relaxing in your own living room. Please click here for more information

Therapy 3 – Personalised how to get over jealousy MP3 Download.

personalised hypnotherapy session


A personalised mp3 therapy session tailored and recorded to your individual jealousy problem.

For this therapy, you will be asked to fill in a form telling me all about your jealousy in as much detail as possible. From this, I prepare a hypnotherapy session to help you feel less jealous and record this session on mp3 for you to download.

Personalised downloaded mp3 fee is £115.00.

Click here for a more detailed explanation of this therapy.

Please click here to start filling in details of your jealousy on the form provided and order you personalised mp3.

Therapy 3 – Instant how to stop being jealous hypnotherapy CD or MP3 to reduce jealousy.

overcoming jealousy

MP3 £7.80

A pre-recorded hypnotherapy session on downloadable mp3 to help your jealousy. Ready for you to download instantly.

This ready to download hypnotherapy mp3 can help you to become more relaxed and to feel less jealous. You will also learn to feel better about yourself, more in control and with improved self worth. This will help you feel less hurt and more able to cope with difficult situations that make you feel jealous.

Call 01476 979123 or 07535 796707 for a chat or to book a free initial consultation.

Call 01476 979123 or 07535 796707 for a chat or to book a free initial consultation.