How to overcome panic attacks with hypnotherapy.
Panic attacks.
How to overcome panic attacks.
Having a panic attack.
Panic attacks often start for no reason, which adds to the fear. You may find your heart racing making you unsure if you are having a panic attack or heart attack. Not being able to tell the difference between a panic attack and a heart attack is very frightening on its own. The fear that this causes will then make the heart beat faster, a cycle then develops of more fear, heart racing faster, more fear, not being able to tell the difference between panic attack and heart attack until panic sets in. If you had panic attacks at night, a panic attack while driving, or any other situation you may then fear being in that situation again. Overcoming panic attacks can be very difficult as they are often driven by the fear that they cannot stop having panic attacks. They can be a feeling of not being able to breathe, heart racing, being unable to swallow, being paralyzed, and many others.
Once we have had a panic attack we are more likely to have another one as they become more aware of changes in them that might signal a pending panic attack. Fearing that they might be about to have a panic attack can bring one on. However, I have seen more people that suffer from the fear of having a panic attack than those who have actually suffered from regular panic attacks.
It is often the case that a person has only had one panic attack possibly many years ago. The fear that they may have another one can be very disabling, restricting what one might do or where they might go for fear of having a panic attack.
Help stop anxiety panic attacks.
As the fear of having a panic attack is one of the biggest problems, it would be very helpful if we have a method of ending a panic attack or stopping it from developing. Whilst in that very relaxed state of relaxation called hypnosis we can learn how to relax our self at any time very quickly, taking away the fear and anxiety that can cause or help the panic attack to develop.
With the use of autosuggestion our subconscious can learn we do not have to fear those situations that cause the panic attack and that we can be calm and relaxed instead.
Therapies available to help stop anxiety and panic attacks.
Therapy 1 – Full live hypnotherapy, how to overcome panic attacks.
Your live hypnotherapy for panic attacks starts with a free half-hour consultation at which we talk in-depth about your panic attacks and how hypnotherapy may be able to help you. You can also ask me any questions about the therapy or about myself.
If at the end of this session, if you decide to go no further then there is no charge. If you would then like to continue with a full hypnotherapy session which will last about an hour, the fee for this session will be £95.00, any further sessions are charged at £60.00.
It is sometimes possible that you might want to continue immediately after the free consultation session, with either a counselling session or a full hypnotherapy session. If this is possible at the time we will continue, the fee for the counselling session would be £50.00 per hour and £95.00 for the hypnotherapy session.
For more on full live hypnotherapy for overcoming panic attacks click here.
To go to online booking for your free first consultation for overcoming panic click here.
Phone 07535796707 to book your confidential free session.
Therapy 2 – Online Teams or Skype hypnotherapy or counselling, to overcome panic attacks.
Hypnotherapy or counselling session to help you overcome your anxiety attacks while relaxing in your own living room. please click here for more information.
Therapy 3 – Personalised hypnotherapy MP3, stop having a panic attack.
A full personalized and tailored hypnotherapy session on CD or downloadable mp3.
The hypnotherapy session you receive will have been recorded just for you. Taking the information from a form that you fill in online with all the details of your panic attacks, I record your very own hypnotherapy session helping to relax you and show you how to stop worrying, reducing the chances of you having panic attacks. You then download it listening to it when it suits you, or you can burn it onto a CD.
The cost of this personalised therapy download is £115.00.
Therapy 4- Instantly downloadable mp3 to help you stop having a panic attack.
Play Panick attack sample
MP3 £7.80
A pre-recorded hypnotherapy panic attack mp3 download. Ready for you to download instantly.
.This Reduce Panic Attack mp3. is waiting to be downloaded now, to help reduce panic attacks and the fear of having them. This recording, which uses hypnotherapy and autosuggestion, can help you overcome or reduce anxiety by helping you to relax yourself and remain calm. Feeling positive you can overcome panic attacks and stop worrying about having them.
By removing the fear of having a panic attack and helping you to become a more calm and relaxed person overcoming panic by giving you a method of stopping a panic attack developing, you can then enjoy a more relaxed and free life to do the things you want to.